stress and pressure management

Optimising Wellbeing and Performance through Stress and Pressure Management
We all need a certain amount of pressure (or as some people refer to as good stress) to be and perform at our best. While we have or perceive to have the ability and resources (both from within ourselves and support around us) to cope with the demands placed upon us, we are subject to pressure and not stress. It’s when pressure become excessive, beyond the individual’s coping ability or perceived ability that leads to stress (ISMA).
Stress is ‘the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed on them’ (HSE, 2020). These pressures may come from several sources (internal or external, work or non-work related) and when their combined effect is overwhelming, stress occurs.
Stress is an unhealthy state of body and mind that can negatively impact concentration, eating and sleeping habits, mood, and relationships with others. Prolonged stress can lead to burnout, exacerbate, or cause mental and physical health issues such as anxiety, depression, and cardiovascular disease, and decrease engagement and performance.
Too little pressure can make us feel bored. Boredom can be a sign of ‘rust out’, burn-out's lesser-known cousin. Rust out happens when: we are under-stimulated at work; our work doesn't stretch us enough; we aren't utilising our strengths, skills & potential; or we have a low sense of meaning or purpose. This can lead to feeling low, anxious & disengaged, and in turn decreases performance.
Whether your employees are constantly under too much or too little pressure, and whether the excessive pressure or lack of pressure is work-related or not, their wellbeing, engagement, performance, and the bottom line suffer. Managing Stress is both an ethical and a business challenge that we can help you to tackle.
Our Solution
Our semi-bespoke International Stress Management Association Programme (ISMA) recognised programme takes a holistic approach to stress, distinguishing it from pressure. It draws upon the latest insights from the fields of psychology and neuroscience. The program can help you and your colleagues:
Identify various psychological, organisational, socio-cultural, economic, and environmental stressors
Develop skills and strategies to optimise pressure and manage stressors effectively
Encourage collaboration at all levels of the organisation to co-create a culture that promotes good health, well-being, and optimal performance
We can measure the impact of this programme.
To request the course details or our brochure with services, please use the enquiry form.