Coaching Services
Based on the science of behavioural change
Helping people navigate & execute change whilst maintaining resilience and nurturing wellbeing at personal and organisational levels.
Our Coaching Services Include:
1-2-1 Coaching
A tailored approach to personal development and wellbeing; a process of facilitating lasting learning and sustained behavioural change.
What is Involved?
These sessions create the time and space for people in leadership positions (but not exclusively) to stop, reflect and take stock.
The client sets the specific agenda, but in general, we are likely to use the time to identify the client’s objectives and figure out how to achieve them.
Through creating a confidential and non-judgemental environment, dialogue, support and challenge (from us), and the application of behavioural change science, we enable and empower clients to:
Express their emotions (which are a fundamental part of learning and change)
Explore their thoughts, ideas, concerns and challenges
Think at a deeper level & generate new insights
Gain clarity and new perspective on things
Find their own answers and solutions.
Better understand their strengths and areas for improvement
Understand the unconscious factors - such as values and beliefs that drive their unhelpful perceptions, attitudes and behaviours that often hold them back from achieving their goals and ambitions, cause them unconscious stress or internal conflict
Gain greater self-awareness - the cornerstone of emotional intelligence, resilience, confidence, effective and authentic leadership, building strong and meaningful relationships with others, stress management and career development.
Develop executive function skills such as organisation, prioritising, planning and self-control.
Effectively navigate and execute change whilst maintaining resilience and nurture wellbeing at personal and organisational level
Team Coaching
Our team coaching sessions create an environment for individual team members to think freely, critically and collaboratively.
What is Involved?
These coaching conversations take people out of their comfort zone, stretch their thinking and challenge them to do things differently. Encouraging teams to collaborate help team members come up with fresh ideas and innovative and effective ways to improve business performance.
Our Approach to Coaching
We take a whole person and a holistic approach to coaching that looks at all aspects of the individual: the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual & social, and looks at different areas of the client’s life, because all of them are related and interconnected.
Our approach to coaching is based on these two fundamental principles that derived from neuroscience, positive psychology and adult learning theory:
No two brains are alike and no two people are the same. Therefore, what has worked for one person may not work for another, thus, coaching is not about telling people what to do and how to do it, it’s about helping them find their unique ways of being, and how to make their own decisions and choices.
Adults are autonomous and self-directed learners who want to learn and develop but do not necessarily want to be taught, therefore, we believe that the role of the coach is to help people learn (facilitate their learning), rather than teaching them.
To check out what our clients thought of coaching with us please see a selection of the testimonies below.
Our Testimonials
What Our Customers Are Saying